
Class Experiennce

May 12, 2006

         This is the first class that I have taken that required the use of blogs.  I think it was cool to be able to have my thoughts posted publicly, as well as being able to comment on my classmates blogs.  This experience gives me a better insight into to the world of technology and helps me feel more comfortable with working with computers.  I have recently become a tad bit more computer literate and I am enjoying the fun that the world of computers can bring.  I have to admit, the downloading thing can be HIGHLY STIMULATIIIIIIING!  Being able to get what you want, at the click of a button, can lead to addiction.  Sometimes it seems almost to good to be true.  In spite of my new found interest or hobby, I still am leary of technology and the horrors it can bring.  Therefore, I poise myself and control my urges and point and click my little heart away.

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