
Technology Narrative

February 27, 2006

           My first hands on experience with technology came when I first started college.  I felt intimidated by having to use the computer to both research and type papers for my classes.  I’ve always viewed technology as the “devil’s tool” to monitor and control society, while subliminally promoting dependency on a man-made machine.  The idea of being able to access so much information, by the push of a button, always seemed too good to be true.  Furthermore, the notion that all of this knowledge could be obtained basically for free stimulated further doubt in its sincerity.  Throughout my college career, I’ve strayed away from the addiction to the web.  I generally only access the internet to obtain information for class assignments.  However, being that technology has become so prevalent in our society, I’ve been forced, in recent years, to bind a familiar relationship with our world wide web, as well as other technology based resources. 

            It all started my freshman year with my first English paper about Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.  I felt comfortable with my writing skills, but the fear came in wondering how to actually manipulate the machine to accomplish my task.  It seems really easy now that I am familiar with computers, but back then, this simple task seemed frustrating.  I later observed that the frustration was not just in the fact that I was unfamiliar with how to work the machine.  My frustration came from the responses of others as I asked what seemed to be basic or common sense questions in how to maneuver through the machine.  People seemed to become agitated and I was treated as if I were unintelligent.  Even when I explained that I was unfamiliar with computers, this made me seem even more outdated or “not cool”.  This reaction upset me very much and I decided to just figure every thing out on my own.  I developed a mild phobia of computers and my initially experiences helped to confirm my dislike for technology.  However, as my collegiate career moved on and my assignments became even more technologically based, I had to find a way to better or more comfortably deal with my reluctance to computers.             

          As I move along in my academic, I’ve become completely comfortable with the idea of using computers and other forms of technology.  I say that I have become more comfortable with using technology, not that I have become completely knowledgeable or advance in my actual use of it.  First impressions can definitely be long lasting and my experience with computers confirms my reluctance even until this day.  However, I have seen and do understand the importance of technology and how beneficial it can be in our every day lives.  Through the use of technology, I can e-mail messages and assignments to other people and my professors as well.  Through the use of web blogs, I am becoming more familiar with computers and I now have a forum through which I can communicate and express my personal ideas and opinions with a mass audience.  Through the use of computers, I can obtain information instantly, which helps me as a writer to conveniently access information and resources to use in both written and verbal expression.  I am also able to update information easily and quickly in order to keep information current and accurate, which contributes to my credibility as a writer.  Technology can also work to my advantage when during class assignments.  For example, using a power point presentation to express views and factual information makes your assignment more professional and interesting, as it provides an atmosphere of professionalism and credibility on the part of the presenter.   I can also view the opinions and research of others, which is not only informative, but also serves as a motivating force in my search for understanding the world in which I live, in hopes of contributing positively and productively to society.          

          My intent is to overcome my reluctance towards the use of technology by better familiarizing myself with the options that computer systems offer.  I believe that by daily use of computers and using the creative powers within my mind, I will become more interested in using technology creatively and to my advantage.  Through adding fun and informative ideas to my web blogs, I plan to increase, as well as diversify my audience.  Keeping up with technological advances will also increase my ability to network in the ever expanding work field, as well show my potential to perpetually increase my intelligence and leadership skills in an ever changing world.    


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